Prospective Candidates » Prospective Candidates

Prospective Candidates


  • On the Ballot: School Governance Board,  parents seats  
  • Nominations: April 8, 2024 through April 22, 2024
  • Elections/Voting:  May 2, 2024  through May 16, 2024

Applying for an Open Seat - General Information

Details about open seats on the Governance Board of Directors and on the School Accountability Committee - including number of seats, term length and the nominating period (dates when applications will be accepted) - are typically communicated via emails to the community, the Stargate Events calendar, the Stargate website and, when possible, Stargate newsletters to the community. General information about what to expect as a candidate, as well as eligibility requirements, can be found on our candidate expectations page. 
Applications for Independent Board members will be handled throughout the year on an individual case basis. Contact [email protected] for more information
Anyone interested in running for a seat on the Stargate Governance Board or School Accountability Committee must submit a Candidate Application Form. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Board Member & School Accountability Committee Member Expectations

Information on what is expected of board members can be found on the Board Members page. Information about the School Accountability Committee can be found on that committee page.

Helping with Elections & Recruiting

If you would like to participate in the election process, but not necessarily run for a position, please email the Election Committee to learn how you can participate, [email protected]. It is a small commitment of time 1-2 times per year. We are well organized and laugh (a lot). Join us!
Interested in helping with Recruiting? Email [email protected]