Why Gifted Education?
The needs of gifted students go beyond the scope of standard classroom activities. It is difficult to generalize gifted students because their identifiers are personal and unique to each student. These students work at an increased pace of learning, exhibit a greater depth of conceptual understanding, need in-depth exploration or investigation and opportunities to ask challenging questions.
Typically, the interests of the gifted are advanced and beyond their same aged peers. This increases the need for participation in a grouped environment where they have the ability to interact with peers of similar intellect. Providing an early and appropriate educational environment allows gifted students to use their exceptional abilities in constructive ways. Meeting the social and academic needs of intellectually gifted children prevents boredom and disengagement from school, thereby helping each student attain their full potential.
Our Stargate educators develop a master curriculum that is aligned to state standards, best practices and rigor in academics and enrichment. Success is measured not only in achievement, but in a student’s ability to pursue independent thinking and apply it constructively in their lives as they become autonomous learners.