Safety & Security » Student Discipline

Student Discipline

While every attempt will be made to maximize the time that students are engaged in the learning process, there are times when the school must select interventions that support students and maintain an orderly and safe learning environment.

Student Discipline, Philosophy, Strategies & Programs

Clear behavior expectations are emphasized and every attempt should be made to ensure that those expectations are consistently enforced. Positive reinforcement and redirection are used whenever possible. Research shows that behavior expectations are easier for students to follow if stated in a positive manner. While behavior expectations are set in individual classrooms, most teachers focus their expectations on concepts such as respect and participation. Common themes allow students to more easily adapt to expectations in different environments within the school. Communication with parents, students and other stakeholders is key to eliminating negative behaviors and consistently reinforcing positive behaviors. School wide, Stargate promotes the overall character traits of respect, responsibility and integrity.

Student Code of Conduct

It is our goal to create a safe and productive learning environment for all students. District Policy 5000, Student Code of Conduct is followed to address behavior concerns. Students and families are expected to be familiar and comply with all expectations identified in the Code of Conduct. The policies referenced in the Code of Conduct identify specific grounds for discipline, including suspension or expulsion of a student.
*Stargate has a waiver on District Policy 5060 3.8 (which prohibits hats indoors). At Stargate, students are allowed to wear hats indoors at the principal’s discretion.

Discipline Matrix

Stargate follows the Adams 12 Discipline Matrix outlined in district policies and documents. 
From the District guidelines: the discipline matrix is a guide for staff members to help identify and provide appropriate interventions to address student misconduct. Lesser consequences are permitted. Repeated acts of misconduct, more serious misconduct and/or extenuating circumstances may warrant a higher-level response.

Students with Disabilities

Additional considerations are required when undertaking discipline of students with documented disabilities (IEP or 504 plans). Some of these are defined in federal and state laws, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. These protections are not an excuse for breaking rules. Instead, they designed to provide a framework for better understanding the cause of misbehavior and whether it is a manifestations of a disability, like a learning or thinking difference. When disciplinary situations arise involving students with disabilities, Stargate follows the same Students with Disabilities Reference Guide utilized by other schools in the Adams 12 Five Star Schools district. If a manifestation determination review is required, an IEP Team meeting is held to decide if a student's behaviors are “substantially related” to the child's disability and evaluate next steps . For more information, contact

Student Privacy

The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act — sometimes known as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment — denies funds to any school that releases education records without consent. In most circumstances, courts have ruled that disciplinary records are education records under FERPA because they contain information relating to a student and are maintained by an educational agency or institution. As such, Stargate does not share information about student behavior interventions or disciplinary actions. These records are confidential.
* Link to District Policy 5000 // Information on this page is sourced from the Stargate Community Handbook and Adams 12 Five Star Schools District policies.