Safety & Security » School Resource Officers

School Resource Officers

School resource officers, or SROs, are members of the law enforcement community who teach, counsel and protect the school community. At Stargate, our SROs are fully integrated into school life, building strong relationships with students while serving as a valuable resource to help prevent and solve problems.

Building Relationships and Protecting Our Students

By definition, an SRO is a sworn law enforcement officer, assigned to a school on a long-term basis. The SRO is specifically trained in and performs three main functions, law enforcement officer; law related counselor; and law related educator.
At Stargate, our SROs are so much more. Our SROs prioritize the work of building relationships with students and staff, They can be present at extracurricular activities - sometimes as a team coach - in school hallways and on school grounds, building trust and establishing the kind of rapport that makes them even more effective in an emergency situation . In all areas of their work, SROs leverage specialized training in counseling and other skills that help them be effective in a school setting.. 
Stargate SRO Mike Couture is a valued member of the Stargate community. He was among the first police officers in the early 2000s to go through SRO training. He's been with Thornton Police Department for more than 20 years. 

Learn More About SROs & First Responder Partnerships

Officer Couture builds relationships in a number of ways, including by coaching boys and girls in HS Cross-Country, HS Track and more. He's out almost every weekend supporting students. Students appreciate Officer Couture for his patience, experience and ability to remain calm in all situations, as well as for his service as a member of the U.S. Marine Corps. In his last year as Stargate SRO, Jesus Mendez was named 2017-18 School Officer of the Year by the Colorado Association of School Resource Officers. He frequently entertained students with concerts.