Safety & Security » Digital and Online Safety

Digital and Online Safety

Stargate is committed to fostering a physically and emotionally safe environment both online and offline. As part of our cyber safety plan, every student is required each year to sign a Digital Citizen Agreement. 

Appropriate Technology and Internet Use Policy 

While it is critical that students and staff have access to digital resources that can enhance 21st century learning experiences and enrich our school community, it is equally important that the risks associated with digital access (e.g., exposure to obscenity, cyber-bullying, identity theft, etc.) be averted. To this aim, our school adheres to and supports the Adams 12 Five Star School District’s Internet Safety Policy 8200. In addition, Stargate has adopted an Acceptable Use Policy outlining the guidelines and behaviors that all users are expected to follow when using school technologies or personally-owned devices on the school campus, including:
  • The Stargate network is intended for educational purposes.
  • All activity over the network or which uses school technologies is monitored and retained.
  • Access to online content via the network may be restricted in accordance with Stargate policies, Adams 12 Five Star School District policies and federal regulations, such as the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
  • Students and staff are expected to follow the same rules for positive behavior and respectful conduct online as offline.
  • Misuse of school resources can result in disciplinary action.
  • Users of the school network or other technologies are expected to alert the administration immediately of any concerns for safety or security.

Classroom & Common Areas Rules

Although access to technology is always available, each teacher has discretion as to when technology is used in his/her classroom. Students may be allowed to utilize personal technology devices (including, but not limited to, phones, tablets, electronic readers) at the discretion of the teacher. Students are typically able to use their device during non-class time in common areas as long as they abide by the Digital Citizen Agreement. 


Student device backgrounds, screensavers, cases and covers must be appropriate for the learning environment: images of violence, death or suggestive behavior are not acceptable.

Bring Your Own Device - Grades 5 thru 12

As outlined in Stargate's Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) guidelines, each student is solely responsible for their own technology device(s). Devices should have a password or pass code enabled as a security feature. Students are to never leave a device unattended if unlocked and are advised not to share their device. Students are also responsible to ensure their device is at school every day, fully charged, properly updated, and virus free.  Stargate is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices and is not responsible for upkeep or update of students’ personal devices.