Safety & Security » Building & Campus Safety

Building & Campus Safety

As part of our school safety planning, Stargate has procedures in place that address the supervision and security of school buildings and grounds, including periodic site assessments to identify and address physical safety concerns. 

Keeping Facilities Safe

Parents and visitors are welcome in Stargate facilities. However, for the safety of students, staff and visitors, Stargate follows: 
Visitors to Schools - Visitors should report to the school office or building reception area and follow all check-in procedures upon arrival. Building visit procedures include presenting a valid driver’s license and wearing a visitor identification sticker. At Stargate, scanning software exists to verify that there are no individual criminal concerns that might jeopardize school safety.  For more information, review District Policy 1200 Visitors to Schools.
Public Conduct on School Property - Visitors who fail to abide by district and school guidelines may be requested to leave school property. Law enforcement or district security staff may also be contacted. For more information, review District Policy 1210 Public Conduct on School Property.

Elementary Student Release - End of Day 

As caretakers for your students, Stargate must release each student to a parent or guardian-designated person. Please place the names of people who may be picking up your student on the appropriate enrollment form. You may wish to consider having a backup driver for emergencies. If you wish to have your student go home with someone else on a specific day, we must have written or emailed permission on that date. We are unable to release students via verbal permission over the telephone. Students who walk or ride bicycles to and from school do so at their own risk and must submit written permission from their parent or guardian.

K-12 Student Release - During the Day 

As part of our continuing effort to ensure the safety of all students, students will only be released to parent(s)/legal guardian(s) prior to the end of the school day. If your student will be checked out before the end of the day by someone other than a parent/legal guardian, you must contact the school office [email protected] prior to the student being released. If we have not heard from you in advance, we will attempt to contact you. If we are unable to contact you, the student will not be released and will remain at school until the end of the day. Students of driving age must still have written permission from a parent/guardian to be released from school during a normally scheduled class.

Secondary Student ID 

All Stargate Middle and High School students are required to wear an unaltered visible school-issued photo identification card (ID) on a school issued lanyard on their outermost garment above the waist during school hours, or at such times, locations, and activities specifically identified by the building administration. Students will be issued an access card ID and lanyard at the beginning of the school year. Replacement IDs will be $5.

High School Student - Off Campus Privilege Guidelines 

(Please note this may be revised due to health reasons and will be communicated to high school families.)
Juniors and seniors are allowed off campus privileges with the following expectations:
  • Students must wear a student ID when leaving and returning to campus.
  • Students must not miss class to go off campus. If a student needs to leave campus during a normally scheduled class, they must check out at the front office with written documentation from their parent/guardian (signed note or email).
  • Students may not travel off campus with a student/s who should be in class during the school day.
  • Campus is closed for freshmen and sophomores (and all Elementary and Middle School students). Students may not travel off campus with underclassmen.
  • Students must follow all school rules while off campus, as well as respect local vendor establishments while off campus. Report of misconduct off school grounds or violation of these rules may result in loss of off campus privileges and other consequences as appropriate.
* Link to District Policy 1200 // District Policy 1210 // Information on this page is sourced from the Stargate Community Handbook.