Theatre / Drama » Lost in Space

Lost in Space

Stargate High School Thespian Society presents ...

Lost in Space

One Act Festival
Jan 31 - Feb 1  in the Stargate Performing Arts Auditorium. 
How will it work:  the One-Act Festival will feature student-led productions, directed and performed by students from the Stargate Theatre Company. The playbill includes:
  • Good Cop, Bad Cop - a street sign switcheroo has two rookie detectives grilling a motely crew of suspects and witnesses in this play by Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello. Student directors: Ozzy Garcia & Addi Hollis.
  • Maple Street - on a peaceful suburban street, strange occurrences and mysterious people stoke the residents' paranoia to a disastrous intensity, based on the story by Rod Serling. Student director Andy French.
  • Shadowland - pursued by disturbing dreams, Eileen seeks answers. Was she in a horrific accident? Is she in a coma? Dreaming? Is anything real? Play by David Poyer.  Student director Aspen Rice.
  • Exit - five people wake to find themselves in a room with no visible exits and no memory of how they got there. Will  learning what they have in common help solve the mystery? Play by Kamron Klitgaard. Student director Cam Tow.
  • The Elf on a Shelf Must Die - two kids on the "naughty list" race against the clock to cover up their misdeeds - including one really big one - before Santa finds out and dashes their dreams of an Xbox. Play by Don Zolidis. Student directors Yasmine Shrestha and Hades Croker. 
Come see the amazing performances! 

Dates and Times: 

  • Jan 31 at 6pm, runs until about 9pm
  • Feb 1 at 6pm, runs until about 9pm 
Tickets:  Admission is free, but donations to support the Stargate Technology Fund are appreciated and will be used to help the Thespian Society upgrade drama program equipment. 

Drama Programs at Stargate 

Stargate Performing Arts provides students with the resources and standard industry-level coaching that is required to produce professional, high-quality theatrical productions. Students engage in all aspects of theatre including but not limited to: acting, singing, dance, costumes, make-up, sound, lights, props, set construction, etc. Stargate Performing Arts also serves as a safe space for all students to be themselves, and provides them with the confidence that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, or any forms of harassment. Check out past theatre productions at Stargate.

More Secondary School Programs

Visit Athletics, Arts & Activities for more information about  Stargate activities and extra-curricular programs, including athletics, student organizations and student activities at the secondary school. 

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