More Past Events » Chili Cookoff, Mac n Cheese "S'mac down," Bingo - 2019 event

Chili Cookoff, Mac n Cheese "S'mac down," Bingo - 2019 event

This is an event page from 2019. The event was cancelled in 2020 because of COVID. Large events for the 2021-2022 school year are subject to evolving health guidelines and Stargate guidance to ensure student and family safety. 
Want to volunteer to help with this events like this? Email [email protected].
Communications Shared Prior to the Event and During the 2019 Event

Don't Miss a Night That's Fun for the Entire Family

After a one-year hiatus, Stargate's Chili Cookoff  & Bingo event is back, this time with a Mac n Cheese twist. 

Mark Your Calendar for Nov. 2, 2019

It's time to dust off your chef's aprons. Stargate's 2019 Chili Cookoff, Mac n Cheese "S'mac down" & Bingo event is planned for Nov. 2 from 4pm-7pm. 

Sign Up Now 


Additional Details 

Watch this page for more event details, including rules and categories for the cooking competitions.
 “The chili cook-off was really fun and it was even more fun to win.” Tyler Min, Kid Chef winner 2017