Community Relations & Events » Halloween Events - FA23

Halloween Events - FA23

Imagination & Flights of Fancy

Super heroes, dinosaurs, rain clouds, fairies, goblins and so much more... there is no end to the creativity on display during a typical Stargate Halloween. 
What's it like? Students and teachers across all grades are invited to dress up in individual or group costumes. The entire community turns out to watch the school's annual  costume parade. In the Elementary school, classes typically host parties. It's a regular academic day, just mixed with a little extra fun. 

Trunk or Treat 2023 

  • date: Oct 25, from 5-7:30pm
  • place: Elementary parking lot
  • organized by: HS girls basketball team
  • activities: trick or treating, face painting, games, music prizes
  • donate: cash to the best car! winner gets a prize - benefits girls basketball

Halloween Parade 2023

  • date: Oct 31
  • place: Stargate campus quad (between Secondary & Elementary bldgs)
  • organized by: CRC with support from HS student council

Want to Keep the Fun Going?

The Eagle Fest back to school event - and events like it -are organized by volunteers at Stargate, including those working with the Community Relations Committee, a volunteer group that brings families together in a number of ways, including through family-friendly special events. To learn more about the group or to get involved, email [email protected] or [email protected].
Looking for other ways to volunteer or support Stargate? Visit our Get Involved page or fill out our Count Me In volunteer interests/profile form and we'll contact you.