Community Relations & Events » Teacher & Staff Thank You

Teacher & Staff Thank You

Take a Moment to Appreciate Our Stargate Teachers & Staff 

Stargate teachers go above and beyond in so many ways for our students. A few times each year, the Community offers a small gesture of thanks, including special surprises during Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week. 

Event Planning - Key Dates

Events this year will include:

Notes of Appreciation 

Teachers and Staff need to hear how the work they're doing is positively affecting our children and families. We encourage you to send a note to that special staff member during this week either by email or hand delivering it.  A kind word goes a long way!  Encourage your students to write a thank you note too!

Volunteers Needed - Please Help

We need parents to help plan these events, organize appreciation gifts and more. If you are interested in helping in any way or have any questions, please email [email protected].

Why Should You Help? 

Stargate teachers and staff do so much for our kids and community. It doesn't take much time to support these efforts, some require an hour or less. Any contribution can make a big difference in helping our teachers and staff feel appreciated.   

2022 - Appreciation Events  

some of our volunteer-led events/activities
Want to volunteer to help with these events? Email [email protected].