Community Relations & Events » Multicultural Fest - FA23

Multicultural Fest - FA23

Multicultural Fest

Let's celebrate our diversity and come together as one!

Mark Your Calendar - Sept 29

Our Multicultural Fest is back.  Come celebrate some of the many cultures that our community is made up of and experience the foods, games, music, art and so much more that make us all unique! Join us:
  • time:  5:00-8:00 pm
  • date:   Friday, Sept. 29
  • place:  Secondary Building
  • cost:  free admission / food available for purchase from vendor

Event Details - Sign Up to Participate

Sign ups to be a booth host and/or to participate in cultural performances are open now. Please complete this Planning Form to tell us more about what you'd like to share.  

Event Details - Food Options

Roots will be our food vendor again this year and our booth hosts will be able to provide samples of food from their culture.
See you there!   

Scenes from the 2022-2023 Stargate Multicultural Fest...

Want to Keep the Fun Going?

The Eagle Fest back to school event - and events like it -are organized by volunteers at Stargate, including those working with the Community Relations Committee, a volunteer group that brings families together in a number of ways, including through family-friendly special events. To learn more about the group or to get involved, email [email protected] or [email protected].
Looking for other ways to volunteer or support Stargate? Visit our Get Involved page or fill out our Count Me In volunteer interests/profile form and we'll contact you.