Community Relations & Events » Eagle Fest - FA23

Eagle Fest - FA23

Fun, Food & Community - for ALL Ages

Reconnect with old friends and make new ones at this family-friendly event!

Mark Your Calendar - Aug 19

What better way to start the school year than an afternoon of fun with your family and Stargate friends? Join us:
  • time: noon-4pm
  • date: Aug 19, 2023 
  • place: Stargate campus quad  - all activities are outdoors, bring lawn chairs and sunscreen

Event Details - What to Expect

Outdoor yard games, a dunk tank, face art; an "old-fashioned" cake walk; music and much more! This will be a fun day filled with family-friendly games and activities. ALL ages are invited. Admission is free. There will be food and drinks available for purchase from a BBQ vendor and  the Stargate Student Council concession.     

Sign Up Now to Help 

Scenes from Last Year - EagleFest 2022 - Bringing the Community Together

Want to Keep the Fun Going?

The Eagle Fest back to school event - and events like it -are organized by volunteers at Stargate, including those working with the Community Relations Committee, a volunteer group that brings families together in a number of ways, including through family-friendly special events. To learn more about the group or to get involved, email [email protected] or [email protected].
Looking for other ways to volunteer or support Stargate? Visit our Get Involved page or fill out our Count Me In volunteer interests/profile form and we'll contact you.