Why Gifted Education? » Gifted Resources

Gifted Resources

MYTH: Students getting poor or average grades cannot be gifted. 
REALITY: Not all gifted students are academically successful. The causes of underachievement differ greatly. It is imperative that perceptive, well-trained adults recognize gifted learners and help them break the cycle of underachievement. Source: National Association for Gifted Children

More Information for Parents and Educators

Gifted children and teens need strong, responsible advocates. Informed and involved parents are critical to any student's success. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy for parents to know where to go for information or how to help their gifted child reach his/her full potential.
 At Stargate, parents have a rich community of teachers, learning specialists and peer group parents to support them in exploring gifted issues. In addition, the links below can help parents who want to learn more about the unique needs of gifted children or about gifted education in general.

Useful Sites and Resources

Brainy Child – collection of links to learn more about giftedness

Brainy Child – collection of links to learn more about IQ testing

Brainy Child– collection of links to books about parenting gifted children

Center for Bright Kids – site

Child Development Institute, Parenting Today – resources

Colorado Association for the Gifted and Talented – site

Colorado Department of Education – gifted and talented education

Colorado Department of Education – gifted laws and regulations

Colorado Department of Education – gifted parent’s corner

Davidson Institute for Talent Development – links to gifted resources

Denver - MENSA

Highly Gifted Children in Full Inclusion Classrooms - article

Hoagies Gifted Education – site

Online Education Database – 48 essential links for parents of gifted children

Parenting Gifted Children, About.Com – site

Parenting Gifted Children, About.Com – selecting a gifted program

Parenting Gifted Children, About.Com – appropriate academic settings

National Association for Gifted Children – site

SENG, Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted – site

World Council for Gifted and Talented Children - site


Growing Up Gifted by Barbara Clark

Living With Intensity edited by Susan Daniels, PhD. and Michael Piechowski, PhD.

A Parents Guide to Gifted Children by James T. Webb, PhD, et al

When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers by Jim Delisle, PhD. and Judy Galbraith, M.A.

The Gifted Kids' Survival Guide by Judy Galbraith, M.A. and James Delisle, PhD.

Upside Down Brilliance: The Visual Spatial Learner by Linda Silverman, PhD.

Note: the resources listed on this page are not affiliated with Stargate School. They are listed for reference only. The views and opinions expressed within these sites, books and articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Stargate School.