Parent Resources » Traffic


Traffic Flow Guide, Pick Up / Drop Off Times and Loop Rules

Elementary - Morning Drop Off Times

Students in the K-5th grade Elementary building can be dropped off as early as 7:55am and will enter the building at 8:08 am.  School starts at 8:10 am.

Secondary - Morning Drop Off Times

Students in our 6th-12th grade Secondary building may be dropped off at 7:35am. School starts at 8:00am. 

Elementary - Afternoon Pick Up

Pickup time:  Kindergarten 3:05pm; 1st-5th  3:15pm
Elementary students will exit the building with their teacher to designated areas in front of the Elementary Building and await parent arrival. Please proceed through the loop to your student's designated line spot. Students are not to cross into the continuous drive lane to get into a vehicle. You may also park in the designated lot and cross the crosswalk to retrieve your student in person from their teacher. 

Secondary - Afternoon Pick Up

Pickup times: Middle School 3:25pm  and High School 3:25pm
Please arrive after 3:15pm to allow for Elementary parents to exit the loop. Students in grades 6-12 will exit the building and await parent arrival. Please have a plan in place with your middle or high schooler for pickup. Remember, there is NO student pick up after school in the North Lot.

Dos and Don'ts for the Loop

  • Do not leave your car unattended in the Loop. If you need to get out of your car to assist your child or for any other reason, please park. 
  • Do drop your student off and pick your student up ANYWHERE along the CURB ONLY. The quickest place is often PAST the buildings. 
  • Please pull as far forward as possible and stay in your car.
  • Do cross ONLY at the crosswalks if you park.
  • Do remain in their vehicles when parked in the loop. If you need to exit your car, please park in the parking lot.  This has a significant impact on the flow of afternoon pick up.  
  • Do use extra caution at crosswalks if you're driving. Pay careful attention to students crossing from parking lots to their buildings.
  • Do not take "shortcuts" that cut through parking lots or that follow ANY route except those designated by the arrows above.
  • Do wait until after the first split to enter the continuous drive & drop lanes if entering off Washington Street. The Washington Street entrance is two-way traffic until the Business Center entrance gate.
  • Do try to be as quick as possible in the loop. 
  • Do not plan to pick up or drop off your student(s) on Washington. Violators may receive tickets from Thornton police.  
  • NEVER STOP AND WAIT ON WASHINGTON STREET. You block the sight of cars exiting and cutting across Washington. It’s only a matter of time before we have an accident.
  • Do make friends! Stargate is a community and CARPOOL is the best way to make a strong community!

North Lot - Staff and Students Parking Only- No Pickup Allowed

Parents are NOT allowed to park in the North parking lot.  
The North lot is designated as a PERMIT-ONLY parking area for staff (shown in yellow) and students (shown in light blue). Students pay $50 annually for a guaranteed, safe spot to park their cars and go to school. Check out our Student Parking Permit guidelines for more about how to purchase permits, as well as expectations for drivers. 
There is NO student pick up after school in the North lot. Instead, please follow guidance outlined below for picking up students in the loop and for parking in designated parent parking areas. 
Staff may also park in the lot in front of the Elementary and Secondary school buildings.

Carpool / Transportation Options

Stargate does not provide transportation to or from the school. 
Families are encouraged to carpool. To help facilitate ride sharing, Stargate is listed with Way to Go School Pool. Way to Go is a regional partnership between the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and a group of Transportation Management Associations (TMAs). For the secure link set up for Stargate families, email [email protected]


Safety is the #1 priority.  Please be patient during drop off and pick up of our students. Please stay off your cell phone until you have safely exited Stargate property. We ask that you make our students' safety a priority and take the extra time to get them to class safe and sound. It takes all of us working together and following the rules.  
Direct all questions to [email protected]