K-12 Gifted Education » Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others and maintain positive relationships. 
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Stargate School recognizes the importance of supporting the unique social and emotional needs of our intellectually gifted learners. We believe in it so much that, not only is it an integral part of our mission, we live it every day through our interactions with students and our supported curriculum.   

Every Day - Inside and Outside the Classroom

Our teachers, counselors, support staff, and administration believe that in order for students to access high levels of learning, their socioemotional needs must first be met. We accomplish this through a variety of deliberate and authentic experiences in and out of the classroom. Our outdoor education experiences truly foster opportunities for students to build confidence, develop friendships, and grow socially. Interest-based clubs and activities offer students an outlet for fun and high engagement in social settings. Student leadership opportunities through Student Government, Link Crew, and WEB foster inclusion and positivity across campus. In addition, students are recognized for exhibiting prosocial behaviors through Eagle Passes and the 5 Star Program.

Supported Curriculum

Our social emotional curricula is taught in every classroom from Kindergarten through 12th grade. In our elementary building, Second Step is taught in Theme on a weekly basis. We bridge the elementary to middle school experience by continuing Second Step lessons weekly in our middle school Connect classes. Our high school students are learning about Transactional Analysis in their Eagle Hour classes. This is a four to five week program focused on learning communication skills.

Continually Seeking New Ways to Support Gifted Learners

The Stargate staff understands that there is not one social emotional curriculum that supports the diverse and unique needs of intellectually gifted learners. To that end, we spend time identifying gaps in our adopted social emotional curriculum and supplementing in areas like perfectionism, stress, and fitting in. In addition, Stargate seeks input from parents/guardians, staff and students in annual community surveys and mobilizes special task force groups, as needed, for feedback.

More Information

The Stargate counseling team provides regular sessions to update Community members on the school's Social Emotional programs. Visit the Counseling page for links to presentations and information about everything from broad, school-wide programs and clubs to needs-based, small group workshops. Additional information about the unique Social Emotional needs of gifted learners can be find in our "Why Gifted Education" pages.