Community Relations & Events » After Prom - SP23

After Prom - SP23

Would you like to help plan the After Prom party this year? Build decorations? Host the event? Email [email protected] for more info.

Providing a Safe, Drug & Alcohol Free Space For Teens

When the prom ends, the fun is just getting started. Since Stargate launched its High School program, parent volunteers have come together to provide a safe, entertaining way for students to continue their prom experience until 2 a.m. in a drug and alcohol free, After Prom environment. How does it work? Volunteers transform the Stargate field house into a themed party zone with food, games, music and prizes. All juniors and seniors are welcome - whether they attend prom or not. 

Prom Planning

Stargate's Junior/Senior Prom is typically held in late April. The After Prom party will start immediately following the prom and continue until the early hours of that night/morning.  

Volunteers Needed All Year

Although the prom is held in the spring, After Prom planning starts in the fall. We need parents to help create decorations, plan and purchase the food, plan and purchase the prizes, arrange activities and organize our plant sale fundraiser. On the weekend of the prom, we need many hands to set up Friday night and Saturday, attend the After Prom Saturday night and clean up on Sunday. 

Why Should You Help? 

First, your help keeps our kids safe. The event is extremely rewarding. You have the opportunity to positively impact our students - and make some great friends in the process. Second, the After Prom party is a large event, organized entirely by parent volunteers. It requires many hours to plan, build, set up and tear down, as well as to work the actual event. Volunteers - regardless of their own children's ages - are encouraged to join in on this project. You can help give students a memorable experience, while also helping build and grow a Stargate tradition that, for many students, is a major highlight of their high school experience. 

More Details and Volunteer Information 

If you are interested in helping in any way or have any questions, please email [email protected]. Watch this page for more event information throughout the year, including additional opportunities to volunteer.
Note: The 2020 and 2021 After Prom events were cancelled because of COVID-19 safety precautions.