Get Involved » Get Involved

Get Involved

Active Participation - Critical to Stargate Success

Charter schools like Stargate succeed when there's a strong partnership between parents, teachers, students and the broader community. Charter schools create an environment in which parents can be more involved, teachers are allowed to innovate, and students are provided the structure they need to learn. However, these unique learning environments require commitments from community members that may go beyond expectations for a traditional boundary school. 

Volunteers are important!

At Stargate, our community members are expected to play a hands-on role that includes: 
  • Volunteering
  • Providing financial support
  • Voting in elections
  • Reading bi-weekly updates from the school's leadership team
  • Responding to teacher requests for support
  • Keeping up to date on Board issues/decisions/activities
When we work together as a community, the possibilities are endless and the results are powerful.  If you're ready to play a hands-on role in your Stargate community, we'll help you get started.