Adroit » High School Adroit

High School Adroit

Working Independently to Solve Real-World Issues

Adroit at the high school level is about  independently applying our knowledge of  Design Thinking to solve issues that we see in the communities in which we live. In each grade level, we will expand our sphere of influence. High School Adroit students will also participate in Individual Career and Academic Planning and Life Skills activities.

Community Based Projects by Grade Level

  • Adroit I focuses on issues that impact them at the classroom level and use Design Thinking process to make classroom level improvements
  • Adroit II focuses on issues that impact them at the school level and use Design Thinking process to make school level improvements
  • Adroit III focuses on issues that impact them at the local community level and use Design Thinking process to make local community level improvements
  • Adroit IV focuses on issues that impact them at the global level and use Design Thinking process to make global level improvements
High school students enrolled in Adroit will have the option to learn about Project Management, and can even earn a certificate through Project Management Institute and endorsed by the Colorado Department of Education.  Coursework throughout the high school semesters will provide practical experience for planning and running a project, and graduated seniors may take the exam at no cost to them.   

 Student made green houses, filled with starter plants.
 A hanging banner that says "SeniorCon"
 A group of students standing near 4 of their handmade raised garden beds.

 A student showing other students how to use a saw instrument.
 A student working on a pair of Ski's.