Adroit » Middle School Adroit

Middle School Adroit

Applying the Design Thinking Process

Adroit at the middle school level is about applying our knowledge of  Design Thinking with a lot of guidance and support from our teachers.  We continue to focus on growth mindset, learning to communicate, how to collaborate, and what it means to be empathetic. We learn how to use the tools in the Adroit room to support our Design Thinking process.

What kinds of amazing things might we do in Middle School Adroit this year?

We might:
  • Utilize tools in the Adroit room to explore different types of life skill  technologies, including woodworking, 3D Design and printing, laser cutting, cooking, sewing, metal working, and  arduinos
  • Research a problem we see and design a plan to address it

What kinds of amazing big picture learning will we do in Adroit this year?

As we apply our Design Thinking knowledge, we will build on our work in the Elementary school program to continue to:
  • Understand that learning is fun, engaging, and purposeful!
  • Use the Design Thinking process to explore, create, innovate, fail, and succeed
  • Know deep down that some of our best learning comes from failing forward
  • Speak and write intentionally and purposefully
  • Listen for perspectives other than our own 
  • Collaborate in teams 
 Two students working near a sewing machine Two students helping hold a wood log steady on a cutting bench, with one student using a saw to cut it.  Students working on projects
 A student using a shaper tool to shape their wood for their project.