Showcase » 2020-2021 Showcase

2020-2021 Showcase

2021 - End of Year Celebrations and Awards Check out our Class of 2021 senior profiles, end of year honors and more.

Eagles on the Move - 2020-2021

National Merit Semi Finalists - Of the 1.5 million students taking the PSAT qualifying test, fewer than one percent each year make it to National Merit Finalist and an even smaller percentage are named National Merit Scholars. Congratulations to our amazing students:
  • Ehna Choi - National Merit Scholar
  • Jai D. Tiemann - National Merit Scholar
  • Sandra Vo - National Merit Finalist
  • Sumi Vora - National Merit Finalist
National Merit Letter of Commendation - Over 1.5 million students entered the 2021 National Merit Scholarship program by taking the PSAT/NMSQT and the top 50,000 were recognized with a National Merit Letter of Commendation. Please help us congratulate the following Stargate students earning a National Merit Letter of Commendation:
  • Maya Chao
  • Kopal Chaurasia
  • Jack Cooper
  • Kayla Futakami
  • Emma Kulbida
  • Ryan Mapes
  • Aidan Paul
  • Charles Smart
Boys Volleyball , League & Regional Title - Our Boys Volleyball team in their first season as a CHSAA sanctioned sport claimed a League and Regional Title this season.  They finished the regular season with a record of 13-1 to capture the Northern League Championship and also captured the Region 8 Title. They finished their season with a tough loss to advance to the Final Four.  The team was coached by Andrew Hinde and Korbyn Skeens. 
Skills USA 2nd in State - Lauren Elise Stith participated in Skills USA for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) and placed 2nd in state! 
Knowledge Bowl Team, 2nd at Nationals - Stargate qualified to attend the National Knowledge Bowl tournament by winning the 3A classification in the Colorado State tournament in March and faced off against the top 39 teams in the country on Saturday. After 235 questions, it literally came down to the final question in the Championship Round. The Stargate team came within that one question of winning a national championship and took 2nd Place nationally in our classification!
We are so proud of our participating team members that were there:
Caitlin Amero
Madeline Gregory
Jacob Hofer
Nick Hofer
Matthew Klose
Ritz Krishnan
Max Kulbida
Gayathri Ruthirakotti
Shub Sharma 
HS Science Olympiad Team, 9th in State - The high school Science Olympiad team led by Madeline Gregory and Hetasri Galla participated in the State Competition on April 10th and won 9th place overall in the state of Colorado!  Congratulations to these amazing science students for their hard work and perseverance.  Team members include: Megha Kumar, Lynne Nguyen, Ishita Mehta, Keya Chaurasia, Kopal Chaurasia, Chanda Kumar, Jacob Lei, Bryce Randolph, Anushka Udeshi, Grace Clem, Allison Sanders, Cali Cottrell, and Sahanaa Chandramohan.
Here are some highlights:
  • Megha Kumar and Lynne Nguyen won 3rd place in Anatomy & Physiology and 4th place in Epidemiology (Disease Detectives).
  • Ishita Mehta and Keya Chaurasia won 3rd place in Astronomy.
  • Ishita Mehta and Kopal Chaurasia won 3rd place in Genetics (Designer Genes).
  • Madeline Gregory and Chanda Kumar won 4th place in Water Quality and 10th place in Ornithology.
  • Jacob Lei and Keya Chaurasia and Ishita Mehta won 6th place in Codebusters.
  • Megha Kumar and Madeline Gregory won 7th place in the Chemistry Lab event.
FBLA, top 10 and a State Officer - Congratulations to Anushka Udeshi for placing in the top 10 at the FBLA state competition for Introduction to Public Speaking. Also, Anushka has been selected as the FBLA District 2 State Officer!  This is a huge honor with great responsibility.  It means that she will lead our area schools within FBLA District 2 and she will have many commitments at the state level this summer and next school year along with the rest of the State Officer Team.  This is a fantastic opportunity for Anushka and we are excited to support her in this role!
ACMCYA Award Winner - Andrew Castaneda has been nominated to be recognized at the Adams County Mayors and Commissioners Youth Awards (ACMCYA).  ACMCYA is an annual award program that seeks to recognize youth in grades 6-12, up to 20-years-old, who have overcome adversity in their lives and are making a positive difference. Way to go Andrew!
MS National History Day, 1st in Region - Pranav Bandaru and Lucy Herbert competed in and placed first in our region's National History Day competition in the Group Exhibit category. Great work and congrats on all your hard work!
MS Math Counts - headed to State - Congratulations to the following Stargate students for making it to the Mathcounts State contest:
  • Valerie Xin: 1st in Chapter Contest
  • Rohit Das: 3rd in Chapter Contest  
  • Prisha Goyal: 5th in Chapter Contest
There will only be 50 students competing in the State contest on March 25 and three of them will be Stargate students! 
HS Knowledge Bowl 3A State Champions - This year, HS Knowledge Bowl switched over to virtual tournaments due to Covid. Congratulations to Coach Eric Howe and the Stargate Knowledge Bowl Team! Stargate students won the 3A State Championship in a closely contested tournament. Participating students were:
  • Caitlin Amero
  • Madeline Gregory
  • Jacob Hofer
  • Nick Hofer
  • Victor Kolesov
  • Rithvik Krishnan
  • Max Kulbida
  • Gayathri Ruthirakotti
  • Shub Sharma
HS Science Olympiad Advancing to State - The Stargate High School Science Olympiad team is advancing to State!  They won the 4th place team trophy at the Regional meet last week, competing against 32 other teams.  Led by team captains Hetasri Galla and Madeline Gregory, the Stargate team will be competing in the State Competition on April 10th!  Team members include:  Srisahanaa Chandramohan, Keya Chaurasia, Kopal Chaurasia, Grace Clem, Cali Cottrell, Hetasri Galla, Madeline Gregory, Chanda Kumar, Megha Kumar, Jacob Lei, Ishita Mehta, Lynne Nguyen, Bryce Randolph, Allison Sanders, and Anushka Udeshi. 
Here are some highlights from the Regional Meet:
  • Kopal and Ishita wont 1st place in Genetics (Designer Genes)
  • Lynne and Megha won 3rd place in Anatomy & Physiology
  • Ishita and Keya won 4th place in Astronomy
  • Bryce won 4th place in Boomilever (using SkyCiv)
  • Grace and Anushka won 5th place in Dynamic Planet
  • Madeline and Megha won 7th place in Chem Lab
  • Kopal and Keya won 7th place in Detector Building
  • Cali and Allison won 7th place in Experimental Design
  • Bryce won 7th place in Helicopters
  • Hetasri and Sahanaa won 8th place in Write It CAD It (using Tinkercad)
  • Hetasri and Sahanaa won 10th place in Geologic Mapping!
HS Cheer Competition - Congratulations to the Cheer Squad for placing third in the Game Day division of the Metro League! It has been an exciting but difficult year, filled with virtual and in person practices. Our squad has shown incredible growth this year and we are very proud of them. Special congratulations go out to the seniors, Maeve Fehringer, Lauren Elise Stith, Madison Roecker, Lilija Shuger, and Hayley Magin. Thanks to all the families who supported us as well and to Coach Meaghan Walsh for making it happen this year.
HS Piano Playoff - We have the results from our 2nd annual Piano Play Off!  A huge congratulations to Quan Nguyen, for winning both the judges and the student winner prizes!  His performance was amazing!  We would also like to thank all of our other participants for your wonderful performances and we would like to encourage all of you to participate again next year.  Thank you everyone who watched and voted!
HS Basketball Athletes Honored- Two basketball athletes have been honored by the Metropolitan League Coaches for their outstanding seasons.
  • Erica Derby was named to the League 2nd Team for the second straight season.
  • Bo LaPenna was named to the League 2nd Team for the first time in his career.
Brain Bowl, State Champions & State Runners Up - Congrats to the middle school Brain Bowl team for their outstanding performance at this year's virtual Brain Bowl tournament. There were 44 teams in attendance, including thee from Stargate:
  • 8th Grade Team - 2nd place in state! Ava Lee, Lia Morley, John Darrah, Carter Jensen, Laura Ence
  • 7th grade team - 2nd place in state! Samson Wright, Faruk Vatres, Brody Kraus, Andrew Carter, Genevieve Harris
  • 6th grade - State Champions! Micaiah Lee, Cal Howorko, Leah Messenger, Shirley Vo, Leonardo Fernandes
Spelling Bee, District Winners - The Adams12 Spelling Bee was held virtually last week. Congratulations to Ian Zahner, 2nd place, and Linda Chi, 4th place, and Suyash Shrestha, 12th place. G-O-O-D-J-O-B and Good luck at the State Spelling Bee!

2021 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers

  • Congratulations to Maya Chao  who was awarded the Scholastic Gold Key Award for Painting and the Silver Key Award for Illustration.
  • Congratulations to Sandra Vo Sandra Vo was awarded a Scholastic Gold Key, a Silver Key, and an Honorable mention for her writing. 
Both of their Gold Key pieces will go to Nationals. 
All State Orchestra - This year, Stargate has five of our high school orchestra students participating in the All State Orchestra!  We have Jeremy Huang and Jacob Lei on violin; Gina Jung and Sandra Vo on viola; and Noah Jung on cello!  Please offer them a huge congrats! This is our best representation ever at the prestigious All State festival.  Students will be participating in private lessons with the college faculty of UNC and CSU and will most likely culminate in some type of performance.  
CU Middle School Honor Band - We will have a great showing this year at the CU Middle School Band Festival!  We have four students participating in this virtual performance event this year.  Congrats to Brooke Turner on flute; Laura Ence on oboe; Lindsay Ransom on clarinet; and Andres Orellana on trumpet.  These students have taken a lot of time to prepare for this festival and their recordings were selected over many others.  This is a wonderful accomplishment and we look forward to their performance. 
1st Place Half Marathon - Allison Pippert, freshman runner competed in the Fa La La half marathon on December 5th in Westminster, CO and was the overall female winner with a time of  1:33 minutes.  Her time made her the 9th overall finisher.  Congratulations to Allison! 

Counselor Award

Congratulations to Pat Millmore, 8th and 9th grade counselor, for receiving the Service to Council Award from the Colorado Council on High School & College Relations. This award is given to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to CCHS/CR during the year for which the award is made. This year there were 8 recipients including Mr. Millmore. Stargate is lucky to have such a great counseling team!

Elementary and Middle School Spelling Bees

The Elementary and Middle School Spelling Bees were held virtually on Friday, January 8. Students took an online spelling test to qualify for the virtual Spelling Bee. There were 30 elementary students and 35 middle school students who qualified and participated in the virtual Spelling Bees. Congratulations to the following winners. The top 2 elementary students and top 3 middle school students in each spelling bee will participate in the virtual Adams 12 District Spelling Bee on January 27th.
Eashan Tilaye- 1st place
Shrivatsa Murugan- 2nd place
Rohan Newman- 3rd place
Middle School
Suyash Shrestha-1st place
Linda Chi- 2nd place
Ian Zahner- 3rd place
Model UN - The Model UN club is a student club that simulates the United Nations.  Students have the opportunity to learn about diplomacy, international relations, history, and creating and debating resolutions.
Our Model UN Team received their results from the SoCoMUN event that was held September 26, 220.  Stargate Model UN had outstanding results.  The following students received awards for their efforts: Congratulations to:
  • Caitlin Amero for receiving the Best Position Paper as the Delegate of Afghanistan in the Human Rights Council! 
  • Addie Constantinides for receiving Best Delegate as the Delegate of Ukraine in the General Assembly! 
  • Malavika Iyengar for receiving Honorable mention as the Delegate of Venezuela in the General Assembly! 
  • Nathan Constantinides for receiving Best Delegate as the Delegate of Angola in the World Health Organization!
  • Noah Jung for receiving Best Position Paper as the Delegate from Senegal in the World Health Organization!
  • The Stargate Model UN Team and their advisor, Ariane Pegler, have represented our school and community in an outstanding way.
On November 14, 2020, our Model UN students participated in a Virtual Model UN Conference hosted by Cherokee Trail HS.  Mrs Pegler and her students had an outstanding day and several Stargate students were honored with awards.
  • Malavika Iyengar was awarded the Best Delegate Award
  • Nathan Roling was awarded the Honorable Mention Award
  • Xander Scholpp was awarded the Honorable Mention Award
#2 Golfer at Northglenn High - Here is a shout out to Stargate Freshman Nick DeBell who finished his golf season as the #2 golfer at Northglenn HS earning his first varsity letter.  He advanced to the regional competition this year and hopes to make it to state next season. 
HS Cross Country - What an exciting meet on Friday 9/11/2020! Eight individuals set season personal records and another eight set lifetime personal records! The boys team narrowly missed out on winning the meet, coming in second by a score of 40-41 and the girls finished in a strong 3rd place! Allison Pippert set a new course record for the girls winning her second straight race and Jacob Hofer finished 3rd overall in the boys race! Coach Tucker Grose said "So many highlights across the board! The training is paying off big time team, keep it up!"
Mile split article about Adams City Invitational
Allison's post race interview
HOSA International Leadership Conference - Stargate students claimed two 'top 10' awards this summer at the HOSA International Leadership Conference for Future Health Professionals. The team of Deeksha Gaddam, Sahithi Govardhanam and Diya Patel placed 5th in the nation in Community Awareness for their work raising awareness for epilepsy. Hannah Nguyen finished 10th in the nation in Medical Terminology. Four other Stargate students, Upasana Shrestha, Kopal Chaurasia, Gayathri Ruthirakotti and Samridhi Shrestha. also competed at the conference. All eight qualified by placing in the top 3 in their events at the Colorado HOSA State Conference, held in Feb. 2020.  Read more about the HOSA conference. 
HOSA Barbara James Awards - six Stargate students earned Barbara James Bronze Awards for over 100 hours of volunteer service in the health industry. They were Simone Adhikari, Kopal Chaurasia, Vaishnavi Golla, Ariya Gowda, Diya Patel and Samridhi Shrestha. Two students received the Silver Barbara James Award for over 150 hours of service: They were Megha Kumar and Hirali Trivedi.