Kindergarten: Getting Started at Stargate » Kindergarten: Getting Started at Stargate

Kindergarten: Getting Started at Stargate

General Information

The kindergarten school day ends 15 minutes earlier than 1st-5th grade.  
  • Monday through Friday: 8:10 a.m. - 3:05 p.m.
Upon arriving to school each day,  all kindergarten students line up with their teacher at the front of the Elementary building.  
For pick-up, please park in the loop in front of the elementary school starting at Kindergarten dismissal. 
During recess, kindergarten students play in the kindergarten playground. This area is for kindergarten students only.
Based on skill sets, students may have different teachers for literacy and math.
At the end of the year, students will participate in a kindergarten continuation ceremony.

Please be vigilant when packing snacks for your child as well as during homeroom parties as we have a number of students with food allergies. 

Teacher Pages

To find a teacher's page, click the buttons on the Kindergarten page. To learn more about Specials classes, click the buttons on that page.

Supplies - 2024-25


If this is your first year at Stargate, you may not be sure where to go for information. Fortunately, this website is a great place to start. Some of the most helpful links are pasted below.
News and Announcements - read school newsletters, announcements from teachers and more
School Calendar - all the major dates for the entire school year or click into events happening today
Get Involved - learn more about a few of the ways you can become part of your new Stargate community
Parent Resources - access tools to help you check grades, order lunch, pay for before/after school care and more

Team Leads

Team Lead and other Communications Pathways contacts can be found in this directory.