Parent Resources » Attendance


To Report an Absence: 

You will need to report your student's absence by using the forms below:
To report an absence, complete the  Report an Absence Form
You must complete one form for each student you are reporting absent. 
The 'Report an Absence' form MUST be completed and submitted BEFORE submitting documentation on the 'Documentation for Excused Absences' form.
If the "Report An Absence" form is not submitted, your student's absence will be considered unexcused.
To submit documentation, complete the Documentation for Excused Absences Form
A QR code will be located at the front desk of the Elementary and Secondary buildings to check students in and out. The parent/guardian checking the student in or out will be required to come in to the front office to complete the form. Please remember to bring in your phone to access the QR code. If picking up a student, a photo ID will be required.
Emailing [email protected], leaving a message on the attendance voicemail, or calling the front desk is no longer sufficient to report your student absent. Please only use the Report an Absence form and QR codes to excuse your students.

For more information about Stargate's attendance policy read the Attendance FAQs.

Extended Absences

For any planned extended absences that will be 3 days or longer, you will need to complete the 'Extended Absence Approval' form.
Complete the information below and return the form to the office to be reviewed by administration.
Once reviewed, it will be returned to the student.
After Administrator Approval, the Student will:

● Request work from each teacher no later than 10 days prior to the absence (Unless
emergency). Please note: teachers may decline this request and require the student to obtain
make-up work upon return from the absence.
● Complete make-up work according to school and district guidelines (Work must be turned
within the number of days absent plus one)
● Understand that extended absences can adversely impact class performance, and grades may
be adversely affected.
● Recognize that pre-arranged absences are calculated into the number of allowable excused
absences each semester, and documentation may be required for absences above and
beyond five days.

Please Note:

● Vacations or non-emergency activities should be scheduled for days or times when students
are not in school.
● For absences over 10 days that are vacation or non-emergency, students may be offered
alternative assignments at the discretion of the teacher.
Once the form is complete:
●Parents are still required to report the student’s absence using the ‘Report an Absence’ form
on the Stargate website.
● Upload the completed Extended Absence Form using the ‘Documentation for Excused
Absences’ form.
  Safe2Tell Colorado gives students, parents, and community members a safe, anonymous way to report any threats to their safety or the safety of someone else in a way that keeps them SAFE. To make a report, call 1-877-542-7233 from anywhere, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or click on the Safe2Tell icon on this page to access an online form.